Elder Nutrition

We are one of nearly 300 Title VI Native American Aging Programs that provide nutrition, supportive and caregiving services to American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian elders across the United States. These tribal programs are funded by the federal Older Americans Act. We are providing this program for both the Tolowa Dee-Ni’ Nation and the Pulikla Tribe of the Yurok People in Del Norte County.

We offer congregate meals out of our kitchen at Howonquet Hall Community Center in Smith River. Elders may receive a meal between 12-1 pm with already prepared lunches that can be safely handed out for those who may not be comfortable coming into the lunch serving area. Home-delivered meals are for those in Smith River or Crescent City who are unable to due to individual limitations preventing them from attending our congregate meal, but elders who are in the program who reside in the Klamath area received home-delivered meals only. 

Our services include:   

  • Congregate Meals
  • Home-Delivered Meals
  • Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar Checks
  • Information and Referral/Assistance
  • Family Caregiver Support Services
  • Services for Elder Caregivers of Children (Grandparents Raising Grandchildren)
  • Telephone Reassurance/Friendly Visiting
  • Special Events for Elders
  • Assistive Devices/Loan Closet
  • Outreach

Elders who live in Smith River, Crescent City, Elk Valley, and Klamath areas are qualified to receive home meals 5 days per week except for holidays and closure days.

For more information, please contact

UIHS Elder Nutrition Program:

101 Indian Court

Smith River, CA 95567

Phone (707) 825-3467

Hours: 8 to 2 pm

Lunch is served: 12 pm.