Referrals & Purchased Referred Care

United Indian Health Services (UIHS) is dedicated to getting our clients the best possible care. In order for our clients to take advantage of the wide array of services that are available both in our local clinics and with regional and out-of-town specialists, applying for Medi-Cal can greatly improve the chances of coverage for your needs.
The Medi-Cal guidelines have changed to become more inclusive – see if you qualify today!
If you are in need of assistance applying for Medi-Cal, please call Member Services at 707-825-4090 for Humboldt County, and 707-465-2960 for Del Norte.
Purchased Referred Care
Purchased Referred Care is a federally funded program that provides financial assistance for clients that qualify. You must reside in the UIHS PRC Delivery Area (PRCDA). There are many ways to qualify:
- Be a California Indian (enrolled member of a federally recognized CA tribe or a CA descendant or on the CA judgment roll)
- Be an enrolled member of an out-of-state American Indian/Alaska Native tribe who is:
- Married to a California Indian
- Works for a Tribal Organization within the UIHS Service Area
- Have close social or economic ties
- Pregnant by a PRC eligible Indian (through pregnancy & postpartum)
- Live on a reservation or rancheria in UIHS service area
- PRC has a priorities list they adhere to.
- PRC has federal guidelines they must follow, if you are screened and deemed eligible for an alternate resource you will have to apply to be PRC eligible.
- PRC is the payer of last resort.
- If you receive a referral for services outside UIHS check to see if your eligible for PRC assistance.
If you have any questions regarding Purchased Referred Care, please contact us at:
Humboldt clients: (707) 825-5080
Del Norte clients: (707) 465-2970
What if I go to the emergency room?
You have 72 hours to report your hospitalization or Emergency Room visit to Purchased Referred Care, 30 days if you are an elder (65 or older) or disabled, so that the process of covering your claim may begin. If you fail to report your hospitalization or Emergency Room visit within 72 hours, it may delay the process significantly.
UIHS offers many services to our clients, but some clients will require referrals to see a specialist outside of our clinic(s).
What do I need to do before making an appointment at UIHS?
Is it your first time visiting our clinic(s), or has it been more than 3 years since your last visit to UIHS? If so, you will need to receive an establishing care appointment before being seen for your current medical needs. Call the clinic today to see if you qualify for scheduling an establishing care appointment, or for assessing your current medical need(s). Humboldt clients: (707) 825-4090, Del Norte clients: (707) 465-2960.
What do I need to bring to my appointment?
Please bring your insurance card and personal identification card or equivalent (Driver’s license, passport, military ID card).
Why does applying for Medi-Cal benefit me as a client of the UIHS?
You do not have to have Medi-Cal to come to UIHS, but applying for Medi-Cal increases the amount of services that you will be able to receive at the UIHS clinics and from specialists through referrals.