Elder Medical Services
Elder Medical Services
- General Medical Services
- Chronic Care
- Acute Care
Elder Behavioral Health Services:
- Individual therapy
- Family therapy
- Couples therapy
- Substance Abuse treatment
- Domestic Violence counseling
- Traditional Healers
- Traditional Sweats
Specialty Services
Talk to your provider about referrals for specialty and outside services such as;
- Cardiology
- Foot Health/Podiatry
- Infectious Disease
- Mental Health
- Vision
- WIC/Nutrition
- Dental Care
- Pharmacy Services
- Imaging
After Hours Services
If you are having a medical emergency, call 911.
UIHS provides a direct link to an after hours answering service where a Registered Nurse is available to triage client health questions and concerns. Call (707) 825-5000.

Elder Dental Services
- Restorative, fillings, crowns, full and partial dentures
- Oral surgery, extractions, minor surgery
- Health maintenance
- Preventive care, exams, cleanings, sealants
- Dental health promotion
- Root canal therapy
- Emergency care
- Complicated procedures such as extensive oral surgery are available through arrangements with outside specialists.
Clients may contact Dental Services during regularly scheduled clinic hours to schedule an appointment at (707) 825-5040.
Elder Nutrition Services
We are offering congregate meals, but we do have an open door policy between 12:00pm and 1:00pm Monday – Friday where already prepared lunches can be safely handed to clients.
There are two Title VI Elder Nutrition Programs offered by United Indian Health Services, Inc.
- Coast Indian Community of the Resighini Rancheria, Klamath CA and surrounding areas.
- Smith River Rancheria, Smith River CA and Highway 101 corridor south to Crescent City and Elk Valley.
***Home Delivered Meals are for physically or mentally incapacitated elders who provide a note from their physician, and live in Crescent City or Smith River area. The Klamath area receives Home Delivered Meals only.***
Elders who live in the Klamath, Crescent City, Smith River or Elk Valley areas are qualified to receive home meals 5 days per week, with the exception of holidays and closure days.
For more information, please contact the UIHS Elder Nutrition Program:
101 Indian Court
Smith River, CA 95567
(707) 487-0215 extension 3
Hours: 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Lunch served at 12:00 PM
The mission of CORE is to create a healthy and productive American Indian community, this grass-roots volunteer community coalition works to build a healthier community by encouraging and supporting lifestyles that promote spiritual, physical, and mental well-being. CORE provides direct feedback towards Health Promotion and Education (HPE) programs. CORE also hosts a biannual elder’s luncheon to honor local elders in the community.
To find more about CORE, please call (707) 825-5070