Table Bluff Reservation – Wiyot Tribe

1000 Wiyot Road
Loleta, CA 95551
Ph: (707) 733-5055
Fax: (707) 733-5601
Chairman: Ted Hernandez
Tribal Affiliation: Wiyot

Their traditional homeland ranged from Mad River through Humboldt Bay to the lower Eel River basin. Inland, their territory was heavily forested in ancient redwood. Their stretch of shoreland was mostly sandy, dunes and tidal marsh.

The reservation is 16 miles south of Eureka between Loleta and the South Jetty of Humboldt Bay. Some people of the Wiyot descent are enrolled in the Bear River Rancheria.

Language: Algonquian

The tribal headquarters are located in Loleta California.

Tribal Government Representatives
Cheryl Seidner
Velva Angell (Alternate)