Clinic Locations

Potawot Health Village

1600 Weeot Way
Arcata, CA 95521

Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 8am-5pm

Closed for Lunch: 12pm-1pm

Saturday: 9am-2pm


Monday-Friday: 8:30am-5:30pm

For an Appointment Call:
(707) 825-5000

Elk Valley Office

2298 Norris Ave.
Crescent City, CA 95531

Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 8am-5pm

Closed for Lunch: 12pm-1pm

For an Appointment Call
(707) 464-2919


Smith River Clinic

501 N Indian Rd.

Smith River, CA 95567

Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 8am-5pm

Saturday: 9am-2pm

Closed for Lunch: 12pm-1pm

For an Appointment Call:
(707) 487-0215

Weitchpec Health Village

at the Libby Haripop Nix Community Center

23001 CA-96

Weitchpec, CA 95546

Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 8am-5pm

Closed for Lunch: 12pm-1pm

Dental services

2nd and 4th Wednesday: 9:30am-3pm.

For an Appointment Call:
(530) 625-4300

Da’bouruk Dental Clinic

525 7th St

Eureka, CA 95501

Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 8am-5pm

Closed for Lunch: 12pm-1pm

For an Appointment Call:
(707) 296-2525


Crescent City Clinic

1675 Northcrest Drive
Crescent City, CA 95531

Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 8am-5pm

Closed for Lunch: 12pm-1pm

Saturday 9:00am-2:00pm

For an Appointment Call:
(707) 464-2750

Hop’-ew Puel

Klamath Clinic

241 Salmon Avenue
Klamath, CA 95548

Hours of Operation
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday:


Closed for Lunch: 12pm-1pm

For an Appointment Call:
(707) 482-2181

Eureka Health Center

2505 Lucas St. Suite A

Eureka, CA 95501

Hours of Operation


Closed for Lunch: 12pm-1pm

For an Appointment Call:
(707) 442-0380

Gou Wen-out-wuk

2121 Myrtle Ave

Eureka CA, 95501

Hours of Operation

Monday-Friday: 8am – 5pm

Closed for Lunch: 12pm-1pm

For an Appointment Call:

(707) 296-2540


Jaroujiji Medical Clinic

434 7th St.

Eureka CA, 95501

Hours of Operation:

Monday-Friday: 8am-5pm

Closed for Lunch: 12pm-1pm

For an Appointment Call:

(707) 296-2500

Phone Directory

Potawot Health Village
Phone Numbers

Main: (707) 825-5000

Medical: (707) 825-5010

Pharmacy: 707) 825-5020

Dental: (707) 825-5040

Behavioral Health: (707) 825-5060

Vision: (707) 825-4129

Community Health & Wellness: (707) 825-5070

WIC: (707) 822-9900

Member Services: (707) 825-4090

Purchased/Referred Care: (707) 825-5080


Administration: (707) 825-6747

Member Services: (707) 825-6848

Medical: (707) 825-6736

Medical Records: (707) 825-6815

Billing: (707) 825-5089

Dental: (707) 825-5045

Pharmacy: (707) 825-6879

Nutrition: (707) 825-5029

Behavioral Health: (707) 825-6753

Community Health & Wellness: (707) 825-5055

Laboratory: (707) 825-6842

Crescent City Clinic
Phone Numbers

Main: (707) 464-2750

Purchased/Referred Care: (707) 465-2970


Med Recep/Records: (707) 464-2668

Member Services: (707) 465-2993

Laboratory: (707) 465-2994

Smith River Clinic
Phone Numbers

Main: (707) 487-0215

Medical: (707) 487-0215

Dental: (707) 487-0215

Purchased Referred Care: (707) 465-2970

Behavioral Health: (707) 487-0215 ext. 2816


Main: (707) 487 – 3003

Member Services: (707) 487 – 3004

Laboratory: (707) 487 – 0980

Purchased Referred Care: (707) 487 – 0200

Hop’-ew Puel
Klamath Clinic
Phone Numbers

Main: (707) 482-2181

Purchased Referred Care: (707) 465-2970


Medical: (707) 482-3655

Eureka Health Center

Main: (707) 442-0380

Fax: (707) 442-0381

Weitchpec Health Village
Phone Numbers

Main: (530) 625-4300

Front Desk: (530) 625-5411

Fax: (530) 625 – 4308

Elk Valley Office

Main: (707) 464-2919

Fax: (707) 464-8218

Elder Nutrition

Main: (707) 487-0215

Elder Nutrition: (707) 487-4463

Jaroujiji Medical Clinic

Main: (707) 296-2500

Fax: (707) 296-2548

Gou Wen-Out Wuk

Main: (707) 296-2540

Da’bouruk Dental Clinic

Main: (707) 296-2525

Fax: (707) 296-2529

Emergency Numbers

Humboldt Area


Arcata Police: (707) 822-2428

Fire/Rescue: (707) 825-2000

Ambulance: (707) 822-3353

Mad River Hospital: (707) 822-3621

St. Joseph Hospital: (707) 445-8121

Poison Control: (800) 876-4766

Humboldt Sheriff: (707) 445-7251

Highway Patrol: (707) 822-5981

Coast Guard: (707) 839-6100

CalTrans Road Conditions: (800) 427-7623

Del Norte Area


Poison Control: (800) 876-4766

Del Norte Sheriff: (707) 464-4191

Yurok Tribal Police: (707) 482-8185

Yurok Tribe: (707) 482-1350

CalTrans Road Conditions: (800) 427-7623

Sutter Coast Hospital: (707) 464-8511

After Hours Care

Medical and Dental Emergencies

For Medical and Dental after hour and emergency care call: (707) 825-5000.

Mental Health Emergencies

For Mental Health Emergencies call the Humboldt County crisis line at (707) 445-7715.