UIHS Board of Directors

Top: Paula(Pimm) Tripp-Allen, Joe Giovannetti, Shirley Laos, Fawn Murphy
Bottom: Denise Padgette, Gail Burcell, Laura White Woods, Carol Larsen, Laura Borden, Melissa Myers, Lezlie Heckel
Not Pictured: Charlene Storr, Teresa Ballew, Aileen Meyer, Claudia Brundin, LaWanda Green, John Green, Debbie Boardman, Vanessa Rios, Lana McCovey

The history of the United Indian Health Services began in 1968. It was a time when Native activism coincided with the nation-wide Civil Rights Movement and the Office of Economic Opportunity programs. Together these factors helped create a new era of self-determination for Indian peoples.

In California, where health services were so lacking, Indian groups formed their own health organizations. Each maintained its separate programs but together they started the California Rural Indian Health Board Inc. (CRIHB), an organization which continues providing its members with a variety of quality improvement and advocacy services. Sheer determination, hard work and financial sacrifice paid off when UIHS became an official non-profit organization, ready to serve people in 1970. UIHS started with community outreach services. The first services provided on site were dental services.

UIHS continued to expand it’s services into nearly every large town within Humboldt County, as well as servicing tribal members from every Rancheria and Reservation in the areas of Humboldt and Del Norte Counties. The use of UIHS mobile services allowed the clinic to provide services to tribal members who still lived in areas that had no electricity or telephones. Over the next twenty years UIHS outgrew four sites, started several satellite clinics, and went from offering basic visiting community health representative’s, dental and medical services to a thoroughly modern, full spectrum health service agency. Along the way UIHS has increasingly realized it’s goal of incorporating traditional values and customs into daily activities.

Our Service Areas

Area 1: In and around Del Norte County

Area 2: In and around Orick, Trinidad, Mckinleyville and Blue Lake (North of Mad River)

Area 3: In and around Arcata, Eureka and all points south to the Humboldt – Mendocino County Line

Area 4: In and around Hoopa and Willow Creek

Area 5: In and around Pecwan, Weitchpec and Orleans

Indian Community Representatives

(Elected by Community Members, term limit)

Area 1 – Three Year Term

Denise Padgette (2024-2027), Member-at-large


Charlene Storr, Alternate (2024-2027)


Area 2 – Two Year Term

Paula(Pimm) Tripp-Allen



Laura White Woods, Alternate

Area 3 – Three Year Term

Carol Larsen (2022-2025)

Vice Chairperson


Gail Burcell (2022-2025),



Area 4 – Two Year Term

Laura Borden (2023-2026),



Vacant, Alternate

Area 5 – Three Year Term

Melissa Myers (2024-2027)


Vacant, Alternate

Tribal Government Representatives

(Appointed by Tribe, no term limit)

Bear River Band of Rohnerville Rancheria

Teresa Ballew: teresa.ballew@uihs.org

Aileen Meyer, Alternate

Big Lagoon Rancheria


Blue Lake Rancheria


Vacant, Alternate

Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community of the Trinidad Rancheria

Shirley Laos: Shirley.laos@uihs.org

Vacant, Alternate

Elk Valley Rancheria

LaWanda Green, Chairperson


John Green, Alternate


Resighini Rancheria

Fawn Murphy: Fawn.murphy@uihs.org

Lezlie Heckel, Alternate


Tolowa Dee-ni’ Nation

Joseph Giovannetti, Secretary


Debbie Boardman, Alternate


Wiyot Tribe Reservation

Vanessa Rios: vanessa.rios@uihs.org

Vacant, Alternate

Yurok Tribe of the Yurok Reservation

Lana McCovey: lana.mccovey@uihs.org

Phillip Williams, Alternate: phillip.williams@uihs.org